
I was told I am a Pisces/Aquarius cusp?

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I asked a question awhile ago:;_ylt=Aget0pwG5vkMi7E6xD0Su0Pty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080722104810AAdszun

And was told I was a cusp because I was born on the borderline of the two signs. Can anybody give me some further details about this?




  1. You need your time of birth and birth location also.

    Sun: Pisces

    Moon: Virgo

    Rising/Ascendant: Cancer

    Pisces adapts to their surroundings, good or bad. They are generous, friendly, good natured people with a true sense of kindness and compassion. They are sensitive to everything around them including the feelings of others. They are popular folk because of their easygoing and likable manner, which tends to mirror people they are with. They have an uncanny sense of perceiving what a person is in need of, and delivering it.

    The Moon sign reflects your emotions and intuitive side of your nature.

    Rising/Ascendant represents your personality and how you appear to and interact with others.

  2. The site below tells you all about being born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp.

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