
I was told by a medium that i have a curse on me. That its been there for a while.?

by Guest66623  |  earlier

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I really dont believe in this but just incase is there anyway i can remove it myself for free cause the lady said she could remove it but it will cost 400 bucks. Also how can i find out who did this to me. The medium said it was a short fat lady and a tall thin man. I know a couple that fit that bill but one of them is dead. If i dont get it removed what happens to the people who did this to me. Nothing? I am a good person i dont bother no one. i try to help others as much as i am able. Why did they pick me to do this, or is it all a hoax by a medium to get my please




  1. you shouldn't have done that. if you really had a curse on you, you won't be able to type what we all read. i'm from an asian society but even i don't believe that you're cursed, and we asians are known to be supersitious. so don't worry. you're just being paranoid.  

  2. The lady is a hoax.  The extraction of your money is her real and only motive.  If she sees you are gullible she will play you for every penny you got. Don't make contact with her again.

  3. Hello Rusted

    Don't believe & definitely do not pay!

    I am a psychic myself, what a load of tosh! curse.

    A curse is a state of mind. Although in some culture they are seen as real, so hard to say the mediums motives. But You are FINE!


  4. What she's doing you is scaming you out of your money.

    This is what's going to happen...

    She'll keep telling you the curse has come back or was more powerful than she first realized. She'll even say "It's a miracle you're still alive!" You keep giving her larger and larger amounts of money, she'll keep removing the curse...and removing and removing..etc.,

    Read all of this:

    Now, as for curses, you don't have to worry about them. I've had several thrown on me. And nothing happened!

    When you have Jesus, you don't need it. Don't listen to any occult Wiccans, Gypsie fortunetellers, psychics, "spiritual advisors, voodooists, paleros, or whatever.

    All occultists can do is s***w up their own lives. Here are some famous occultists:  They all died miserable and broke or were outright frauds.

    Just follow the advice given here (and everything here is FREE, no donations, nothing to buy, nothing!) and you'll be fine.  

  5. Some mediums/fortune tellers run a scam that involves telling people they are cursed and then charging to "remove" the curse, sometimes multiple times by claiming the curse is very strong. It's actually semi-common, and trouble is, it casts doubt on those occasional folks who really are trying to be helpful.

    However, $400 sounds like a lot, plus you didn't indicate any particular reason to think yourself cursed priorly, so I'll assume she's scamming you.

    However, if I am wrong, or you want to be safe, here's a way to remove it yourself: A really simple method is to wash yourself and everything in your entire house with saltwater. Wipe down all the walls, floors, furniture throw a bit of salt in your laundry as it's being washed, and take a bath in saltwater. If you have carpets, either sprinkle them with salt and vacuum them, or else use a carpet shampooer and have some salt water mixed in with the soap. Also light a white glass-encased candle (the type that burns for 5 days or more) and dress it with some salt (just sprinkle a *small* amount into the top of the candle before you light it.) Say prayers or wishes to remove any curses on your, your house, your property, family, etc. and leave it to burn out.

  6. If she's charging you $400 to get a 'curse' removed it's definately a hoax!

  7. i don't think that you have a curse on you, most likely, the medium you contacted was just looking for a way to earn money. real mediums don't charge money (especially that big of a sum) to remove a curse.

    hope i helped

  8. Real mediums indeed wouldn't charge this much. it's just some hack.

    Have you had any symptoms? and remember any "curse" would banish if you believe it isn't there. and there's no such thing as luck, everything happens for a reason.

    and curses do exist, curses come in many forms such as envy.

  9. There are many charlatans who attempt to prey on the unwary.

    You can contact Shaman.  Many professional psychologists in the

    Western countries are studying and incorporating shamanism in

    their reportorie of methods.  

    "Google" Michael Harner.  Or "Foundation of Shamanic Studies".  They might be able to give you some leads on people in your area.

  10. It doesn't cost $400 to remove a curse.  Someone is trying to get rich off you.

  11. find a medicine man,he can help.

  12. You are being scammed.  There is no curse on you.  We all know a couple that fits this description, She is banking on you not seeing through this trick until after she has taken you for all that you are worth.  Chances are she has done this to many others before.  Contact the authorities and have this woman checked into.  I would hate to know that once she left me she was able to take advantage of someone else because I did nothing.

  13. If you've never noticed anything suggesting a curse before this medium told you that you had one, then please don't suddenly start thinking that you have one. Also, I'm sure several bad things have happened recently (before or after you were told), but some misfortunes are a part of life, and you should not let this affect your decision unless they were extreme. I believe this is all a case of your own outlook on your life, but then again, the choice is yours to make.

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