
I was told by my gastrologist that it appears I have Crohn's Disease.?

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I understand it a little bit but can someone who has it explain to me what it will be like. I am only 18 soon to be 19. I have lost 30 pounds in the past few months and my doctor said I may have to take medicine or weight gaining formula to gain my weight back?




  1. Crohn's Disease in inflammation in your gi tract and can be anywhere from your mouth to your a**s. It can cause major weight loss in certain ppl and they usually have a hard time putting weight back on and keeping it on. But there are just about as many Crohn's pt that are overweight. You may be put on steroids like prednisone (which will make you gain weight) or entocort (which does not have side effects that are as bad). You need to educate yourself as much as possible on this disease because you need to know what to expect and what is going on with your body because lots of times you have to be your own advocate when it comes to the dr.. If you haven't already had one you will most likely have to have a colonoscopy and depending on where they think your crohn's is located a endoscopy. Go ahead and prepare yourself for lots of test blood test monthly depending on the meds, ct entography, sbft (small bowel follow through), capsule endoscopy, x-rays, and i am sure i am forgetting some i have had. I am not trying to scare you by any means just trying to prepare you like I wasn't. The more you know the better off you are. I have included some links that have helped me educate myself. I also have a list of about 30 sites or so that i can email you if you want..

  2. My grandfather has Crohn's Disease and it's not so good.He has to go to the bathroom all the time. He got surgery like 60 years ago and that's why he has to go so much. The surgery also caused him to be sterile. But that was long ago! Today's science is much much more advanced and you won't likely have so many problems :) Good luck

  3. Hi Rich, I am a female crohn's pt. for 28 yrs. dxed at the age of 12.

    This disease is a c**p shoot. Each pt. responds differently to medication so it takes time and patience as well as working w/your GI.

    If you check out the Crohn's & Colitis foundation's site, you will find tons of info ranging from diet, latest treatments, surgery, coping, as well as locating a local support chapter near you. They also have a live chat & hotline run by healthcare experts well versed in IBD (crohn's or ulcerative colitis). There is an open forum where you can post questions to others like yourself.

    I have learned that we have to be proactive in our own management of this illness. We should eat right when feeling well, avoid smoking and drinking as it can  interact w/medications & contribute to flaring and pain.

    Definitely check out CCFA and try to attend a local meeting. You will be amazed that you are not alone in living with CD.  Best of luck to you.      

  4. Your doctor is right.

    Gotta go in a hurry, try this site.

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