
I was told in high school that males are meant to be stronger then females but i have seen girls ?

by  |  earlier

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with small and weak looking muscles turn out to be allot stronger then guys with big strong looking muscles




  1. girls mature/hit puberty much faster than males do, so their bodies will mature quicker and it will give that impression.

  2. its easier for guys to get muscle then it is for women. But women have way more stamina then men. You can really notice this on survivor when the bulky men lay about all the time because their muscles are taking all their energy whilst the girls usually have more energy and do more because they have less muscles taking energy thus work better with their low energy diet

  3. Because it is a piece of cake for guys to build up muscles and hard for girls, so the muscle that guys build up isn't that reliable. The girl is stronger because she worked harder to make them. Kinda like the 3 little pigs. The first one that made his house of straw is a guy and the one that build her house out of bricks is a chick.

    Cool huh?


  4. When guys build muscle, they get bulky. When girls build muscle, it is leaner, but just as powerful as the bulky mass of a guy just as strong. Girls don't really get ripped, whereas guys do.

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