
I was told not to eat seeds 4 days before a colonoscopy. I don't think I did, but what if I did by accident?

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I am scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow. I didn't read until yesterday the direction not to eat foods with seeds for 4 days prior. I have thought back to what I ate, and I do not think I ate foods with seeds, but I am not 100 percent certain of this. If I accidentally did, will this ruin the test results?




  1. There's only a tiny chance the test will be ruined. Among other things they will be looking for how smooth your colon is; if you have diverticulitis you can have little hollows like burst blisters in the colon and seeds might get caught in these and obscure the results a little. IF you can't remember you could have only eaten a few, so it should be okay.

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