
I was told that I'm supposed to get my tax stimulus check in the mail on 6/20/08. It's 6/21/08...where is it?

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I was told that I'm supposed to get my tax stimulus check in the mail on 6/20/08. It's 6/21/08...where is it?




  1. Maybe it has not made it you to your post office, or maybe it is at your post office, and all mail wasn't sorted and put out to be put in the mail boxes.

  2. Im in the same boat as you we will have our checks monday or tuesday, my sister was 6/6 and got it 6/9 so ours is almost here... r u excited ?

  3. They're MAILED by the 20th, not necessarily received by the 20th.  (The wording on the letter they sent was crappy)  Check your mail today.  I received mine on the Saturday following the day mine was supposed to be mailed and most of my friends also found theirs in their mailboxes on Saturdays.

  4. A lot of these checks were not on time. I wouldn't worry too much though, as they do come - just not always when they are supposed to. It's probably on it's way to you now.

  5. It was probibly mailed out on the 20th. You will probibly receive it sometime this coming week. We got ours 2 days after they sent ours out.

  6. 6/20 is the mail-by date - you should get it next week sometime

  7. The date given you in the letter is actually the date it will be mailed by, not received by.  Mine said 6/6/08.  I received it on 6/7/08.  It'll be there soon.

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