
I was told that I have PCOS and I am only 20, I want to take birth control?

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to make sure I dont get pregnant, but I know for sure that I want children in the future. Will taking birth control be harmful in anyway?




  1. nope. i have PCOS too and my doctor advice me to take pill (diane) but make sure that u take Pt first if ur sexually active for u to be sure that your not pregnant before start taking the pill.. anyway the pill will make your period regular but not necessarily remove your PCOS.. most of PCOS women advice to take pill..

  2. Sadly with poly cystic ovarian syndrome your chances of having children become more and more slim with each passing year. You should think about having them as soon as possible.

    As far as the birth control the only problem I have ever heard of with it is the shot. It eventually can make you become infertile. There are many different forms of birth control available now and you should express your concerns with your OBGYN and have him/her explain the risks of all of them.

    Keep in mind though, with PCOS your eggs crystallize and turn into cysts and even with birth control if one of those cysts rupture and release the egg even with the birth control you can become pregnant.

  3. i have had pcos since i was 14. at 16 my dr put me on bc to help me get my cycle every month. i am told if i am not ttc that is a great way to help your periods every month with pcos. also, pcos makes it hard to have a baby, but do not have a baby at 20 just bc you think you wont be able to get pregnant, that is silly for that person to tell you to have kids now just because your young. there are so many woman who are 30 and over who are getting pregnant with pcos. it does take medication. i am only 22 and am having time, so age means nothing. (obviously not 50 or over). join a community for pcos, i like there are many woman who are there just to talk, not ttc.

  4. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 years ago - I'm 27 now. I found out about it when I was trying to conceive. PCOS makes it VERY difficult to have a baby, but it is possible. I took fertility drugs for 6 months after finding out about my PCOS with no luck. However, a year later, out of the blue and with the help of no drugs, all of a sudden I'm pregnant.

    If you take birth control pills it's probably not going to hurt your chances of conceiving in the future, although it will take a while for you to be able to conceive once you stop the pills. I didn't have a period for 6 months after I stopped taking birth control, and only started my period when the doc gave me medicine to force me to start it.

    If you're going to be sexually active and don't want children right now, I would say go ahead and take birth control, but just be prepared in the future for the possibility that you might not be able to conceive. My doctor even told me she never expected me to get pregnant on my own, it's very rare - LOL we say my baby's dad has super sperm. ;o)

    **I just read another post where someone said that even if you take birth control one of your cysts could rupture and release the egg and you could still get pregnant. My doctor explained this to me - when you have PCOS your ovaries create cysts instead of creating eggs. It's like it starts to create an egg and then changes it's mind, making a cyst instead. I don't know, it's possible I could have misunderstood her, but I don't think your cyst could rupture and make you pregnant.

    Good luck!

  5. First, if you DON'T want a baby right now, YES use some kind of BC. Just because you have PCOS and don't ovulate all the time doesn't mean you won't occasionally. I have PCOS and ended up pregnant twice (much to my dismay), both times while on some kind of BC!

    As for will it be harmful to future fertility, the answer is no. However, it will not keep you from getting cysts. And, if the cysts go untreated, they can create scar tissue that will make it more difficult to ovulate in the future. So, I was on metformin to help me ovulate, and taking BC pills at the same time! I know, kind of a contradictory. But, I didn't want to get an infected cyst (they can be painful). That is why it is terrible when doctors just stick women with PCOS on BC to make sure they have periods. They just masks the problem.

    Also, it is true that the older you get, the more the odds will go down that you will conceive in the future. It's hard enough for most women over 30 to get pregnant, but our condition get worse with age too. So, by all means if you are not ready for a baby, don't have one. But, be mindful that in the future you may have difficulty.

    I wish you luck!

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