
I was told that I was placed in foster care for a while as a baby. Would this effect me like it would older?

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  1. It depends on a lot of things like how long you were in foster care for, how you were treated while in care and whether you were in just one home or if you were shifted to different homes.  Most of us don't have memories of the first few years of our lives but for this reason things that happen to us during those first few years can impact our developing personalities positively or negatively.  If you had bad experiences even as a little baby because you are learning about trust and love during those first few years it could make you who you are today either not able to trust people or have insecurity issues.  But if you were shown love while you were in care then this shouldn't effect you any differently than anyone else as long as you weren't shifted around from foster family to foster family - which could bring about insecurities in a child even if they were in good environments.

  2. no.. and were u told by a brother or sister or ur mother? my brother keeps telling me the same thing but i know its not true. make sure it comes from a reliable source

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