
I was told when someone is released from prison they can't vote.?

by Guest34170  |  earlier

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I want to know why? and if it is forever?




  1. There are two states that currently allow convicted felons to vote they are Vermont and Maine, there are currently 7 other states trying to pass legislation allowing felons to vote before the November election, it is not true that you can never vote, in every state you can file to have your voting rights restored and in most cases they are granted, if you do nothing then you have lost them until you do.~

  2. In Indiana you can't vote But I don't know why sorry.

  3. As with MOST legal questions, it depends on WHERE they are.  Prison usually means a sentence of MORE than one year.  That equals a felony in the US.  ALL states prohibit felons from voting DURING their sentence.  Some allow voting rights to be restored at some point after the end of the sentence.  The process for restoring rights varies by state.

  4. Felons are not aloud to vote.  Which I think is completely wrong.  

  5.   Not in every state.  Below is an OLD map that shows, I believe, 15 states where felons were disenfranchised and could not vote any more. The last I heard, it was down to 5 states that want to continue punishing the person after they have paid their debt to society.

      I believe that it is vindictiveness toward those that have made a mistake.  I've always believed that even a dog will bite----if you keep kicking them.

  6. By being a convicted felon, they lost that right for life.

  7. Convicted felons forfeit their right to vote for life.

  8. My husband works as a correctional officer at a federal correctional institution (level down from a penitentiary) and my brother is, sadly, a convicted felon so I know the answer to this one well!  I have seen both sides of this street.  If you are convicted of a felon, you may never vote again.  It is not a matter of being in prison.  It has to do with whether or not the person is a convicted felon.  Convicted felons may not vote or own or harbor a gun or work for any federal job like mail carrier.  A felon forfeits the right to vote for issues that may regard the penalties of other future felons, allow the person to guard other prisoners, or bare arms (who would want a felon to legally have a gun anyway).  We have, thanks to liberal judges who make their own laws at the benches instead of allowing the voters to have a say, such a corrupted bench that there are very few true penalties left to deter future criminals.  At least we have these rules for those who do actually get convicted!   I am in full agreement with this, by the way.

  9. Correct convicted felons cannot vote, although there are procedures in virtually every state to have "rights" restored.   Voting is a privilege that can be forfeited for committing crimes, just like "liberty" can be forfeited for committing crimes.

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