
I was travelling by train yesterday and someone decided for some reason to step out in-front of the train?

by Guest33405  |  earlier

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it made ALL of the trains on the east coast an hour and a half late. (2.45pm yesterday) Therefore I missed a job interview I had. I have kept the train tickets can I get some form of compensation of the train operator (even just a refund on my train fare) How would I go about doing this. Thank you kindly




  1. WHAT, NOT A THOUGHT FOR THE GUY!!!!!!!  What happened to him?  Was he hurt?  For God's sake how can  you think of compensation when something like that has happened!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hi,i work for this company,ask for a deley repay form and enclose your will get it all refunded

  3. Unfortunatley this is a common event on the rail network, obtain a complaint / comments form from your local TOC office where you obtained the ticket, fill it in and send it to the company with your ticket (dont forget to keep reciepts and copies).  Most companies will compensate you in rail vouchers.

  4. Dude...s hit happens in life. Get over it.

  5. Unfortunately (for you) it was not the train operators fault so I very much doubt that they will be giving out compensation to anybody. By all means phone them up and ask but I doubt that you'll get anywhere!

  6. Refunds are not normally given where the delay was caused by events outside the control of the rail industry.

    From the National Express Passenger Charter:

    "We do not accept liability for any loss caused by delay to your journey, cancellation of any train, missed connection, or closure of the railway."

    "When train services are delayed or cancelled due to events outside the control of the rail industry, we do not offer compensation or give refunds. Examples of such events include acts or threats of vandalism or terrorism, incidents involving trespassers, line closures at the request of any of the emergency services, severe weather conditions and industrial action."

    You can still ask them to use their discretion, but frankly I don't think this situation warrants any.

  7. Was the guy hurt?

  8. why only thinking about refund lol ---stop-=-- think about the person that jumped an also the train driver think how he feels --i know how the train driver feels coz I'm ex London underground driver had it happen 2 me 4 times ended up jacking job i liked in ----could not driver train again after women with baby jumped Xmas eve 11 years ago dont even like getting on a train now 15 years as a driver

  9. Maybe u should ask the person who kissed the train [ like they say in FLORIDUH ] Maybe everyone else on the train will compensate U by taking up a donation so u can BUY your own train, because YOUR train will never have anything unforseen happen to IT.

  10. i kinda agree with the person above.

    Life is like a roller coaster it goes up slow and down FAST!...Then its all over.

    well i feel for u and the job interview that sux but goodluck man.

  11. I suspect you can, even though it was hardly their fault. Ring the operator's Customer Services.

    Did you contact the people where you had the interview booked?  They may well be sympathetic and understanding in the circumstances.

  12. If I'm right in thinking you were on the National Express East Coast train, you can fill in the form below. As you were delayed for over an hour you're entitled to a full refund.

    I don't think you'll get any more unless you claim "stress from a traumatic experience" or something daft like that. I wouldn't bother.

    Did you telephone the person interviewing you, by the way? Normally missing a job interview, for any reason, is a definite no-no, but I think someone jumping in front of your train is probably grounds for giving you another chance.

  13. Yes, you can get compensation.

    fin your train operator here;

    and write a letter requesting compensation.

  14. Yes you will probablt get a full refund. Write to:

    Customer Relations Manager

    National Express East Coast

    Freepost YO352

    York Y01 6ZZ

    Explain the date and time of travel and what happened and enclose your tickets.

  15. Why should the train company refund you for something that was beyond their control. If you had been driving and someone stepped in front of your car would that have been your fault.

  16. How about being grateful that the train didn't derail and you weren't killed.

    As it wasn't a malfunction of their equipment (engine or tracks) it was an outside influence that was out of their control you probably don't stand much chance of getting a refund.

    But I suggest writting to them stating why you need a refund and who knows.

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