
I was upset about something at home and I went round to my best friend's house (he's a guy)?

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I was really upset because my mom has just told me my dad's not dead and wants to meet me. I went round to my best friend's house. He was giving me a shoulder to cry on and one thing lead to another and we ended up having s*x. I hate myself for it, and we both regret it. Will we ever get back to normal? We're 15.




  1. This is how I ended up with my husband!  He came to my house because he was upset about something at home, and we ended up getting married.  What is done is done, you can't go back.  As long as you both agree, just try to put it behind you and move on.

  2. the first thing you need to do is go to the dr and get yourself checked and get on birth control if you haven't already.  Second, you need to figure out where you see the relationship with your best friend going.  There will be many times in your life where you're vulnerable or upset and need someone to talk to.  Is this person someone you can trust to go to again?  Once you've figured out what you want from him, you need to talk to him and make sure he understands where the boundaries are.  From personal experience, i kissed a guy who i considered my best friend.  It ruined our relationship and he stopped talking to me.  I don't think things will ever be "normal" again once they've become this complicated.

  3. he took advantage of u when u were in need of help. He is a user, not a friend. Ditch him gal, otherwise u mite get preganant if it happens again.

  4. I think the main issue here  is that if you'se are both as close as you say then of course you can work through it!

    Just look at it as a silly mistake and act as tho it didnt happen!



  5. Oh hun - if I were you, stop beating yourself up, move on from it. Don't hate yourself - move on from it. Seriously, it's happened, what can you do about it? You were upset, you weren't thinking clearly, things happened.

    As for your dad, be happy! That's amazing - your father isn't dead? My friend's dad died last year and I bet she'd love to find out he was still alive!

    Think positively -

    1) Your father's ALIVE!

    2) It could be worst - you could be pregnant

    3) It could have been with someone ALOT worse than your best friend - trust me!

    Go round and see him, joke about it and say, "Well I'm not here to **** you again!" Make light of the situation and I bet he'll laugh. Smile and say, "I'm sorry for what happened - could have been worse though! Looked well good for you!" Adding a joke in makes it better, you laugh together and before you know it, you're back on. It will be weird for a while but eventually, you'll just giggle and be like, "Yeah....I had him!" :)

  6. i was in a simiar situation, we were friends from about being 2 years old basicaly, it happend she was 17 i was 16, we were ok for a while but it never really went back to how it was, maybe it will for you, who knows

  7. OK first of all I shouldn't even have to say anything about you being 15 you already know that secondly s*x is an intimate personal relationship that's why there is an awkward feeling yes eventually there a chance that you can get beyond it you have to talk about it other wise it will never subside be honest talk about your feelings and dont be afraid to set ground rules weather it is this never happened or this was a one thime thing or what  

  8. i think that was the end of that relationship. you probably regret it cuz thats 80 times further from wat you intended to do. you will probably always feel akward... sorry.

  9. Woahh you went a bit to far..

  10. you probally heard this a million time. you guys went a little to far. i understand if u like kissed him or something. but having s*x. thats not good.

    you guys should probally talk to each other. and decuss what happend. and then from there you guys will just have to make  an effort to not make is akward around each other. you can make what happend. go away. just try.

    hope you get to meet your dad. i never got to meet mine. take this chance and see him.

  11. wow, thing's will prolly be awkward. try to forget about it and see where things go. as for seeing your dad, i think you should.

  12. it's going to be awkward for a while, but talk it through with him don't just try and forget about it. hopefully things will get back to normal but it will take time. if you bottle it up and try and forget about it it will make things more awkward.

    what you did was understandable you were quite vunrable and upset and it's an easy thing to happen- don't beat yourself up about it.


  13. once you cross that line, you can't go back!

  14. I doubt that you'll ever feel normal agian because a piece of u is gone

  15. I hate to promote teen s*x or anything but.... I don't see anything wrong with it.  He was there when you needed him, and it's perfectly fine just to explore and experiment.  Doing it with a best friend is better than doing it with some douche bag guy at a party who you don't even know.  It's best to do it with someone your comfortable with.  If anything, I think this would make you guys closer.

  16. 1st your dad: Listen when I was 12 I found out my dad passed away I wished everyday that I could get a chance to meet him.

    There is always two sides to a story and you don't know him. Give him a chance not for him, but for YOU.

    2nd you best friend: Never regret anything in life. Just learn from your mistakes. What happened between you and your best friend is not the worst thing in life, but I understand that you both feeawkwardrd. If you guys are really that best of friends then I think you should talk about it, but only if he's up for talking about it. If you both have been friends for a long time and really value your friendship then try hard to not let this get in the way. It'll be weird for a little while but it will pass && you know when you guys get older you'll laugh about it one day. GOOD LUCK WITH EVERYTHING & REMEMBER DO IT FOR YOU  

  17. you will always know you have had s*x with him.

    I hope you eventually meet your dad - it may be good it may be bad but you should do it at least once so you know

  18. well you should not be having s*x till your 16. youve made a mistake because you will never get your friendship back to what you had. if i was you id just make it up with your mom and talk to your best friend. dont do it agen!!!!

  19. wow, umm, i cant realy say that ive ever been in that position!!, but maybe if you talk about it....dont ignore the fact that you did it, but like the girl said under did go a bit far lmao!!!

    good luck xx

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