
I was violated can you tell me why? see question and answer below.?

by  |  earlier

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Hello zyann0102 (zyann0102)

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Question: does angelina jolie have cancer?

Question Details: I haven't heard that.

Deleted Answer: I haven't heard that.

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.


Yahoo! Customer Care




  1. Someone felt it was too short of an answer.

    Personally, it doesn;t seem like a violation to me

  2. I get those all the time, i guess the question asker was in a bad mood and didn't like you're answer.

  3. Somebody might have reported you for "chatting" and/or "point gaming", because in technical terms that is what you have done. If you would have known for sure that AJ does not have cancer, maybe even posted a link to an online article - that would have been accepted. If you knew that she does have cancer and posted some sort of verification - that would have been accepted too. But "I haven't heard that" is the same as "I don't know" as far as YA is concerned and they do call this pointgaming. It can be debated whether this makes sense at all, but these are the rules, sry...

  4. i dont get the question

  5. They may have considered that you didn't answer the question because you didn't post a direct yes of no.  I believe that you indirectly gave them a "no" answer to their question.

    You can contest it here:

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