
I was wanting some ideas on procedures to open a tanning salon.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to open up a tanning salon in my small town. We have 2 and one is very trashy and the other has really old beds. I want a modern style salon w/ decent beds and a good environment. I was wondering how you go about starting up a business. I want this to be something that I could do forever!! It's a very serious thing to me. I'd love SERIOUS advice on ideas, what to expect, books to read, websites to go to!! HELP PLEASE




  1. first you need some marketing:

    a name for your salon, something catchy attractive etc

    post ads on the web (facebook, myspace etc)

    when i walk past a store and i look into the window it tells me a lot about that store. if i looked into your store and it made me want to go in there and get a tan then i would.

    you need to be ready to spend money. if you cant spend that much spend it on the necessitiess not on gadgets and stuff. because once you get started you will get lots of money and then you can start adding cool modern things

    if you have anymore detailed question go to my profile and contact me on my yahoo email


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