
I was wanting to get my nose peirced how bad does it hurt??

by  |  earlier

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i really wanna get it done but im scared it will hurt really bad and im scared it will be infected and look really bad if i have to take the ring out




  1. It's just a little pinch.  The pain's worth the final outcome.  I would get pierced with a stud though because they heal faster than rings.  If you take care of it, the piercing will heal fine.  Good luck!

  2. it really doesn't hurt at all. seriously. the worst part is waiting for the pain to come when they stick the needle through, but the pain never came for me. it probably won't look bad. just get an opal (white/diamond) stud and it's not even that noticable. i got that when i got mine pierced cause i wanted something that would match anything i wore and stuff. i think it is definetly worth it. if you have an more questions feel free to ask me.

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