
I was watching my family on tv n nick harper was embalming

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wat is it n how do u do it ps dont worry i not that stupid to try it was jus woundering how it is done n what u have to do n the instraments u have to use




  1. my grandad was embalmed.....they drain the blood and put in the embalming they do it i dont know....(and I dont want to know!!!)

  2. Embalming, in most modern cultures, is the art and science of temporarily preserving human remains to forestall decomposition and to make them suitable for display at a funeral.

  3. You watch my family too? It's good isn't it, mate? I love that show!!

      Anways, Embalming is the art of preserving human remains. A great example of these are mummies. They are preserved through the egyptian culture or embalmed.

    In the egyptian times, They would have used papyrus (paper used along time ago) to wrap round the body. They then dipped the body into salt to preserve the muscle structure.

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