
I was watching on TV the Hurricane evacuees from New Orleans and they all seemed overweight?

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Perhaps it is an anecdotal observation but while watching the news and seeing people loaded into buses the vast majority of them seem very obese. I hope all these people do well and no one is hurt in the storm though wonder if New Orleans has an obesity problem and if so, why?




  1. Hello, Are you new?

    America has an obesity problem.

    Where are you from that you don't know this?

  2. When people actually had to do manual labour, very few were overweight. Now that machines do everything for us {except for a few occupations}, a majority of North Americans are overweight. It's a sad but true statistic. We eat more, exercise less, and don't seem to care. I am continually amazed at the ever increasing number of obese people here....very sad.

  3. Try looking around England. there are plenty of fat slobs walking around. What's even worse is the fact that even their children are obese.

  4. It is in the US and they have a national problem with obesity. Although it is more of a problem in the south..Texas in particular and also within black communities.

    Don't worry, Britain is fast catching up and you'll soon be able to study the phenomena  more closely.

  5. I would think the peple you saw being loaded on to buses are poor people, as people with money have their own transporation.  Poor people tend to be overweight more often than wealthier people as they eat a lot of starchy foods and junk food.

  6. Is this really the time to be making such an observation?

  7. What a truly ignorant thing to think about in the face of such tragedy. My daughter who lives there is not over weight, nor are her 2 sons or my great grand daughter. Are they more worthy of your kind thoughts than my daughter's mother -in -law who is about 50lbs larger than she should be ?  

  8. it is the food that these people eat. i know a lot of people from there and they are not over weight. right now these people that you have so delicately referred to are in really big trouble. you need to think of the problems that they are having instead of the fat issue. your country has some fat folks in it too. i know because i have been to your country. so don't talk about others when your country has the same problem.

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