
I was watching sybil on tv and the mom did something to her daughter like an ice water enamus wat's that??

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I was watching sybil on tv and the mom did something to her daughter like an ice water enamus wat's that??




  1. No, she would fill the little girls bladder with ice water (via an e***a) then make her hold it until she almost passed out. She would tie her to the piano, make her listen to her mother play the piano while she was dying to go to the bathroom.

    That was one sick Mother, I hope she rots in h**l for what she did to that little girl.

  2. Ice water enemas are fun for the whole family. My mother would fill my bladder with ice water and make me sit in the freezer.When she let me out she would roll me around the floor and I could make pee Slurpee's.

  3. An e***a is when you put a couple of cups of warm water up your r****m with a rubber tube to clean out your bowels (intestines), like before a medical exam or X-ray.

    According to the book, it wasn't really ice water, just cold tap water, but just as bad.  Nearly every day, from when she was a baby until she was in grade school, the mother would give her a painful cold-water e***a, then make her hold it inside her until cramps nearly made her pass out, then punish her when she let it go.  Tying her to the piano leg and then pounding on the keys as hard as she could so that the vibarations went right into her daugher's belly made it hurt even worse.  Sometimes, she'd make her drink milk of magnesia (which makes you have to go to the bathroom) and sit on her bed until she couldn't hold the e***a in any longer, and then punish her for soiling her bed!  

    According to the book, some days the mother would force the end of the e***a tube into the girl's urethra to fill her bladder with cold water, and then make her hold that in until she couldn't any more and would wet her pants.

    There were even more tortures that she subjected her to, like blindfolding her and locking her in a trunk, even though she was terrified of the dark, or raping her with any object she could find, no matter how big.  It's no wonder her personality shattered.

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