
I was wondering. Does runing on the spot help to lose weight? If so for how long?

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I dont feel comfy running outside but I dont mind at home. I want to trim down my thighs and arms how can I do that at home?




  1. You would be better off getting a treadmill or an exercise bike. That way you can actually measure how far you have run/ridden - giving you a gauge of how fast/long you should be exercising each time.  Jogging on the spot is more of a warm up exercise than a specific weight losing exercise.

    If you get a treadmill, either carry some light weights (say 1-2kg to start) and carry them in each hand to help define your arms.  There are even weighted wrist bands which make it easier!

    Any exercise is good exercise - GOOD LUCK :)

  2. Runnin on the spot doesn't help much if u dont break a sweat while doing this. U cud also try push-ups, pull-up, frog jumping, skipping & cycling in the privacy of ur home or on the terrace. Also remember not to keep ur fan or a/c on during this. All these exercises help over all in reducing ur weight & fat ratio. best of luck

  3. anytime you get your heart rate up and keep it there for more than 15 minutes you will burn calories, so yeah it works

  4. Yeah, it helps your heart rate increase which helps your matabolism speed up a bit. Its a cardio workout, so it would work to help you lose weight. Its not as good as going outside for a jog or anything though. Do it for about 10+ minutes until you feel like your heartbeat is going faster and keep on going til you cant anymore. Jog slowly on the spot then go extra fast then slowly and alternate between different speeds. The best one is just a normal speed that you would usually jog in. It also works best when you do it in the morning.

    Also while you are running on the spot move your arms aswell. Dont let them hang or anything - sort of squeeze them (make them firm) and move them along with your jogging.. maybe go reach them up high, then put them down or to the side, anything you can think of. So aswell as you getting cardio exercise you are making your arms toner aswell!

    good luck :)

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