
I was wondering about the meaning of Evil Eye Bracelet?

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Hi there,

I recently found this Evil Eye Bracelet. I was wondering about the meaning of this believe or charm. Somebody told be it originated in the Middle East, Can somebody tell me what is it about the evil eye charm thing? BTW I found it on this website called.




  1. In Judaism the evil eye is well, evil.  the hand is its enemy.  i think, im not that religeous.

  2. are you advertising????

  3. It is probably to ward off the Evil Eye.  Bad luck, you know.  Jewish people refer to it that way.  Old Jewish Great Grandmas, back in the old country used to do incredibly silly rituals to ward off the evil eye.  Something like turning around three times, and spitting on the ground, when someone did something that would be likely to have invited the evil eye.  You see a tiny bit of it in a scene in Fiddler on the Roof.   So some people wear bracelets to ward off the evil eye.  I think, if you are wearing the bracelet, you don't have to do the turning and spitting thing!

    It's also big in the Kabbalah, but then, it's all related.  

    Go to the Source for Everything Jewish (just search that).  They have them under both Jewelry and Kabbalah sections in their catalog.

  4. Well tradition says sometimes people can have an "evil" or "bad luck" eye...For just bought a new house...invited someone over, your house sets must have been there evil eye. People tend to put these charms on babies or little kids...

    by the way...I'm speaking of it in terms of the middle east culture...not sure if it is an Islamic thing. but def cultural.

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