
I was wondering am i {again no errors}?

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{homo} Alright. I love girls and love to have s*x with them. They complete me. This one time my friend said he gives head and i thought he was playing so i told him to give me some and he did. {helpppp!}. I know i don't want both.




  1. ur g*y or u wud hav stopped him from actually doing it

  2. The fact that you can't even type s*x tells us all how sexually mature you are.

    No, you're not g*y.

  3. Nah your not, you just experienced it, it depends if you felt good, creeped or upset. If you enjoyed it you might be. If you were upset and creeped you're straight. Search inside yourself, are you?

  4. ummm awkward ill give you that and umm only you can determine what you are but if you want to be judged i would say flamer :(

  5. Maybe you are just bi-curious? Receiving head doesn't make you any less straight then you already are. Maybe your guy friend does it better then ur girlfriend? I don't really see how getting pleasure is a big problem. But for future preferences, i think you should stick with 1 person. It will be a huge problem later in life. Heads up ^^

  6. i think you maybe g*y.

    Not that theres anything wrong with that.  

  7. That does not make you homosexual. Homosexuality is an orientation, not a disease you can contract. You might be bi-curious or bisexual though. Although I do question why you'd let him keep going if you consider yourself heterosexual.

  8. lots of  people dont understand what being g*y is, its when your in a relationship with a man and you love them , bla bla bla.

    what you done is not homosexual your jsut having s*x its like if i had s*x with a sheep (lol) i wouldnt call myself a animosexual (thats an example btw lol)

    you aint g*y dw ;)

  9. If it felt good is irrelivant, it is preferance and thus your own choice. It's your choice.

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