
I was wondering can you kill a fox or a coyote?

by Guest21474  |  earlier

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With a .22LR Rifle head shot with good ammo like remington high velocity bullets or CCI stingers.




  1. You could bring down a moose with a .22 if you could hit it in the brain. But the question to ask is: Are you that good?

    I believe the biggest game a .22 can be effective against is rabbit. For those other animals get a larger caliber.

  2. Yes within reasonable (close) distances

  3. ......Is it possible......yes. Recommended,.....No.

    Why? Anyway, a lung shot it always easier and best with a higher kill rate than any other shot. Actually, IF you can get a perfect shot in the small little brain that is 100% effective, again.....IF you can hit a walnut at whatever distance you are. He head shot also has one of the highest wounding potentials due to the size, dificulty and the head is in motion most of the time. It is the most effective but most of the time not the best option for most people most of the time.

    I recommend at leased a .22mag. other useful calibers would be .17hmr, 22-250, .223

    But thats only 20+ years of field experience talking.

  4. I agree with the many others that say go with a .223 it is an awesome varmint caliber and shoots flat to 300 yards

  5. yes, but if you want to have some serious fun get yourself a 22-250. they are speed demons ,very accurate at long range, and super deadly for fox and coyote on the run  

  6. sure but you have to be good shot i am though and in certain states there is bounty for them

  7. Forget about it.* The best choices for your purpose are the 22 Magnum, 22 Hornet, 218 Bee, 222, or 22-250.... Anything else is cruel and inhumane, especially for Coyote's or Fox.*

  8. If you are a really good shot.  

  9. Yes, but you should be aware that fox are a regulated game animal and you can't go killing them indiscriminately year round for sport.  Shooting a fox in the hen house is a different story.

    Just keep your shots under 50 yards and pass up any shots at a less than perfect angle.  You can also get some pretty reliable kills on the smaller coyotes and fox with a broadside chest shot that takes out the heart or lungs.


  10. Heck yes a .22 rimfire will kill them if you hit them in the head.  The question then becomes can you hit them in the head every time?  They are, after all, living creatures and it would not be even remotely ethical to let one go away and slowly die a long and painful death.  As hunters, even hunters of varmints, we are morally and ethically required to make sure that the animals that we kill are killed as quickly and painlessly as possible.  Before setting out to shoot foxes or coyotes with a marginally powerful caliber such as the .22 rimfire, make sure that you can place your shots in the animal's head EVERY time.  Until you can do that, do not use a .22 rimfire for foxes and coyotes.

  11. yes you can. like all the other comments said  just make sure you can get a good head shot. no use in wonding it unless you can get a fatal wound. i would recomend buying some animal shaped targets and seeing how accuratrly you can put rounds down range. well all in all if you take the shot good luck.

  12. Yes. Provided you properly place your bullets such as a head-shot or a hit to the heart/lung area at close range (preferably as close as you can get but definitely under 75 yards), a .22 can kill a fox or coyote.

    For hunting coyote a .223 or a .243 would probably be a better choice, especially if you live in an area where shots might be taken at longer range. The .22 is a great cartridge, but its not a long range coyote round. It just doesn't have enough energy to be assured of a clean kill at ranges over 100 yards without a headshot.

  13. Yes, a .22 LR is effective for fox and coyote.  For maximum effective-ness head shots are preferred especially on coyote.


  14. Neither has a particularly thick skull, so at close range & accurate aim its possible.  If you're serious about fox or coyote hunting, invest in a good varmint rifle.  .223 or .222 would do the job.

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