
I was wondering do aliens exist.?

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Are outer space aliens real?




  1. yes but they are like illegal alliens

  2. yes  they do

    how can we be the only ones  in the universe have you seen the size of it  

    ufos  have  been  seen all through time  paintings  from like the 14th century  showing ufos open your eyes people ! because to all  those people who go no they  dont exsist u dont think theres any chance when the universe was  created it created more  than  one planet with life

  3. When looked at statistically, it is very possible that aliens exist.  For example:

    If our Universe were infinite, like many people speculate, then aliens, would not  only be a possibility, they would be a guarantee.  There would not only be a guarantee for one, but for an infinite variety of aliens.

    On the other hand, if our Universe were not infinite, like many other people speculate, then it would be possible, though still unlikely, given the size of the universe, that aliens did not exist.

  4. Naive people who see UFO's and aliens are often labelled as Kooks" but think about THIS:

    You can call them KOOKS all you want to....but when these "Kooks" show up in the emergency room and other medical research centers claiming that they have Alien Implanted devices inside of them, it's time to sit up start taking these claims SERIOUSLYYYYY.

    Since the 1980's HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE have had electronic "objects" surgically removed from their bodies. Many are implanted in the arm, shoulder or foot. They are clearly visible on X-ray. They usually have tiny wires connected to the victims nerves which provides electrical power. Some of these objects are on display in a Medical Center in California. Some of them have been turned over to government research centers. These objects have been carefully studied under the electron microscope and determines to be "transmitter devices" which might have the capability to transmit signals so that they can be located by extra-terrestrial life forms. These devices are made using what we know as "nano technology" ...meaning they are MUCH too small to have been produced using present day human technology as we know it. These are transmitters no bigger than the size of a BB or a ladybug. Not suprisingly.....MANYYYY of these same people have reported being abducted numerous times and have had medical "experiments" conducted on them. Numerous women also have microscopic scars on their abdomens and have had eggs removed from them. Numerous men have had sperm samples surgically removed.

    You can come up with a hundred LAME EXCUSES for how or why you think this is fake.....but medical researchers and American scientist are baffled.

    Crack a book at the library or do a Google search using the words "Alien Implants" if you don't believe me. Then be afraid. Be veryyyyy afraid.

  5. outer space is a really REALLY big place. extraterrestrials may exist, but not in humanoid form necessarily.

    Little green men is an invention of tinsel town Hollywood.

    Outer space is vast, that we have not fathomed the extent of it, so to say that they do exist, we would have to find them first. So far, nothing comes close...

  6. don't know maybe you should ask the tooth fairy or right a letter to Santa Clause........They might know and if they don't they can always go to the easter bunny for advice......

  7. This is becoming ridiculous, this question has been asked repeatedly here (like several times a day) so why don't you check the answers of all those previous Q's.

    Answer is possibly, but no one has ever seen one and no evidence has ever been found that they exist at all, let alone visit the Earth.

    Aliens are something that only exists in TV shows, and you do not seem to realise how huge the universe is, or how long it has been here, and how long it would take to reach the stars, even at the speed of light, and the dilation of time when travelling at those sort of speeds, even if we had the technology.

    By the time you went there and back the Earth and its citizens who were around when you left would be long dead several hundreds of thousands of years ago. The possibility of meeting one is therefore little more than zero.

    I suggest you familiarise your self with Einsteins theories of General Relativity and Special Relativity, these theories have been known for over a hundred years, and have been proven to be incredibly accurate in their predictions, many of which (like the curvature of space-time by gravity) have been tested and proved.

    It is most unlikely that we will ever know for sure.

  8. yes

  9. Possibly

  10. No if seen it only optical illusions.

  11. Theres billions and billions of solarsystems/suns like ours in the universe with earths like ours too. Theres no doubt life is on some (quite a lot) of these planets. I'd say there is life that is advanced enough to travel anywhere through space in spaceships etc. Have they visited us? Some say so, I would like to see one. Lets hope they're not hostile :D We can't really complain though if they were to eat us. We eat lower intelligent life forms why can't they?

    Edit- LMFAO after reading some comments here I decided to do a search on google suggested by one guy, alien implants and saw that there were alien implants at amazon-- Low prices on alien implants.

    Qualified orders over £15 ship free.

    (yes I know that it's just a sales ploy to get you there but I found it quite funny)

  12. theres estimated about 200-400 billions stars in our galaxy, out of all those stars a couple million have to have life, and a couple thousand could have an advanced life form on them, thats just in our galaxy, i'm sure there are billions of types "aliens" in our universe.

    Even if theres intelligent life on a exoplanet 15 light years from us we will not be able to make it there in our life time, unless some genius finds a wormhole or something.

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