
I was wondering how to do a sayonce to summon a dead person.

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My friend and i want to summon a ghost in my backyard but we don't know what to say or how to do it! Please help we want to do it tonight!!




  1. You want to do a sayonce if you and your friend really want to destroy each other's lives I got a better idea go out and get an ouija board you two really destroy it then!  Stay away from things you don't understand!  If you do something like that you don't know what kind of person your gonna get that person could be evil for all you know  so I am only trying to help you out don't do it and stay away from those kinds of things!!!  A sayonce and an ouija board will do nothing but hurt you and your friend!!!

  2. first you take your own blood and form a hebrew star in a circle and you light a candle at each point know its just easier to say you cant because YOU CANT!

  3. I have never done a sayonce, I have done a seance though.

    All you have to do is concentrate and hopefully you will get what you want to happen.

    I would recommend you and your friends sit in a circle and put a candle or 2 in the center.  

  4. You should not do that. It is very dangerous as a demonic spirit could hurt you.

  5. a  sayonce can be dangerous it can awaken spirites,if you do have a sayonce have a specialist psycic present.

  6. Here's two reasons not to.

    1, It's impossible and there's no such thing as raising the dead (my favourite)

    2, It's real and you don't know what you're messing with. Would you invite a complete stranger to your home? How about a complete dead stranger?

    When I was growing up, every time girls hit the ouija board or 'sayonce', they ended up screaming and crying. All snot and tears. It's all bulls*it but you'll be jumping at every shadow and seeing things. Don't waste your time. Go out and live a little. Chase boys, not the undead. The ghost of 'who knows what' can't buy you a burger!

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