
I was wondering how to go about going to doctors about my housing situation.?

by  |  earlier

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I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor to explain to her about my housing situation. I'm hoping that she will be able to write a letter to the council and explain how I'm feeling cause they wont listen to me. is it best to ask her to write a letter first or wait until i've explained how i feel then ask if it would be possible to get in touch with the council.




  1. Ii hope you don't mind, but i looked at your other posts (sorry for being nosey)

    i see that you've just had a baby and your struggling because you live with your parents.

    well my patner and i are in the same situation, our daughter is 2 1/2 years old now (she was unplanned), we both work full time and have been together 7 years (we're 21) we have been turned down for private renting and are low priority on the council list.

    our area works on a points based system, because its only my mother that lives with us we aren't considered overcrowded, even though all 3 of us share a room!. I bidded for a place a year ago, a new build 2 bed flat, but my brothers unemployed mate got the it! it makes us so crazy to see single people and undeserving people get access to these places.

    my partner works 57 hours a week 6 days a week, and recently has been suffering from anxiety and depression as a result of our situation, he visited his gp and was prescribed Diazepam (valium) he filled out a medical form from he council and they gave us 10 extra points.

    What you need to do is visit your Gp, then fill out a medical form, the council have a special person that visits every 2 weeks and looks at the forms. Get an appointment to see a housing officer also.

    I wish you the best of luck! i know how tough it is, 2 years ago my partner and i would have been able to get a mortgage but now we can't even rent privately!!!

  2. Speak to the council, not your doctor

  3. Wrong person mate. You go to doctors about your health. If it's housing you go to the council.


  4. A letter from your doctor can add weight to your application for housing assistance through the council - but it does not help if you don't qualify for assistance in the first place.

    Assuming that you live in the UK then you might also want to take advice from your local Shelter office - they provide the National Housing Advice Service and can advise on all aspects of rented accommodation. Talk to them and they will help you to identify what options are open to you.

    If you can't find a local Shelter office then go and see your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

  5. I was in a similar situation, i got my doc to write to the medical examiner at the  housing office at the council.  I get on well with him  so it was all cool.  

  6. I did a similar thing but it wasn't with a doctor, my dad is in the navy so he had the commanding officer of his base write to the council, it kicked them up the butt a little. i didn't get council housing but they put me on a programme called PATH, which paid for my deposit and rent in advance so i could get into private housing. Maybe you could try finding rented accommodation and apply for housing benefit, there are organisations that will help with deposit money and removal costs etc...

  7. Your doc will only maybe write them a letter if you are ill or disabled, and  your present house is causing you any difficulties/problems etc.

  8. council would recommend a doctor, but i guess you can use your doctor to explain whatever anxiety you have.

  9. I basically think your trying anything to get help with your housing situation. Doctors can't help you to get any different results. You need to go to the council first and move on from there.

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