
I was wondering how to report the white supremisists in Amateurs' Arena?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering how to report the white supremisists in Amateurs' Arena?




  1. Use the link below, Info to send is id name, game, lounge and date. And a screen shot if possible. Please be sure not to abuse this right to report. many people reporting things like being booted from room before the game starts or losing a game. This is not considered abuse but in fact is common. To do a screen shot, hit print screen on keyboard, Go to Start, to Programs, over to Accessories and open up Paint. At the top of the Paint Screen there is an Edit Button. Select the Paste Option on it.Go to File and save it with whatever title you want to give it. .Saving it as JPEG, save to my documents then attach it to email send to or fill out form on this link if you do not have a screen shot. use the abuse tab. abuse

  2. Click on the report button underneath their question/answer.

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