
I was wondering i wanted to go to barcalona and london and france cani get to all those places by train?

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how much money do u have to save up? frist time to europe. any go to barcalona spain??




  1. You can take the "interrail". It's a special ticket for all Europe, and much cheaper¡

    You can see the prices;

  2. Yes.. start in London, when done there, take the train to Paris.. and then down to Barcelona.. it might however be cheaper to by a flight to Barcelona, train to Paris, train to London.. fly home from London.. that is if you are starting in North America..

    Barcelona is a fantastic city.. I would say you would prolly have the best time in Spain.. if you have lots of time, say a month, do the Camino De Santiago in Spain.. it is an ancient pilgrimage route, you walk from east to west across Spain.,.it is an amazing trip, and the accomodation is dirt cheap.. it is about 4$USD per night if you are doing the trail..there are special hostals set up just for those doing the walk.  It is a great way to see a country.. you pass thru big cities, small towns, forest, prairie.. you name it.. and you meet amazing people.  Spain is super safe too.. far safer than London or France in my opinion. If you have less time, you can do just a portion of the trail too.. you don't have to do the whole thing.. contact me if you want more info.

  3. Spanish trains, the most inexpensive in Europe, have two classes. RENFE has established a series of special prices and discounts that make traveling by rail in Spain that much more convenient. For more details see

  4. if you go to Spain, don't  forget about Madrid!

    the trains are super fast nowadays and you have more chances to stop in more places you might miss if you go by plane.

    Spain is the best place of the ones you mentioned, take your time there, I wish you the best time.

  5. Yah, you can do that, but honestly with some proper planning you can find airline prices comparable to a train which'll take less time.  Ryanair & Easyjet are for starters, there are others of course, such as aer lingus etc.  It honestly depends on how long you'll stay & what you will do when you get to these places, also if you're going to stay at a hostel or hotel or camp out.  I would plan on spending $100- 150 a day.  I know it sounds a lot but between lunch, dinner, museums, transportation, hotels, alcohol & heaven help you partying you will be spending that if you're lucky.  

    Barcelona is a nice city, I suggest looking at all the gaudi architecture and to enjoy the views from the mediteranean sea.  There is also the salvador dali musuem in the area & close by are some roman ruins to look at.  And if you're not pooped yet, go out & party until 5 am (And that's a conservative, you can stay up all night if you want)  I'm partial to Las Ramblas, just because it's full of activity & close to the water, but you can be anywhere in the city & just take the subway.  Out of all the choices of places to visit, Barcelona will be the cheapest.

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