Yesterday i spoke to my biological grandmother for the first time in a long time since i meet her when i was 19. She kept saying I was the lucky one for being adopted. i have wonderful adoptive parents that raised me. But i can't help but feel guility about that good life. I have two younger siblings that my b-mom did not give up. One of them now is a meth addict and in jail, the other one has given up two of her babies. I can't help but wonder if they had the same chance as me, being raised in a stable home. That they would be a productive members of soceity. I have a good life, my b-mom gave me that chance, why didn't she give my other siblings that chance too?. Before anyone says b-mom was a drug addict and she had a certain lifestyle, That two little kids growing up should not of been exposed too. I don't know why social services weren't involved, maybe because my biologial family was trying to help. not sure. Is it wrong for me to feel this way? Should i feel guility?