
I was wondering if I should learn to snow board or snow ski.?

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I'm 12 and a girl. I have leg muscle but i want to go fast. My sister says I'm not ahthletic but my gym coaches say I am. Which one should I do.




  1. Snowboarding! It is awesome I have been before and it is so much fun it may be hard at first but after you get the hang of it you will love it!

  2. ski def

    then once u rippin on stiks, try snowboardin but skiin sikkkk fun

  3. SNOW BOARD!!!!!! Hey im a girl  to and i dont care what my sister says but snow boarding is way more fun that skiing

  4. learn to snow board

    its much easier

  5. Snowboarding is easier to learn and a lot of fun, but if you want speed, skiing may be the way to go.  Keep in mind that learning control on skis can take time and patience but eventually you will get it.  You are still young enough that you should be able to catch on quickly.  I would suggest also learning to snowboard as it is very different and at times fun for a change.

  6. Why not do both?  If you use a skate board, then snowboarding should be an easy crossover, skiing involves the use of 2 feet, snowboarding will restrict your foot and leg movement. Ask your gym coach for basic tumbling instruction, either sport will involve a fall or 5 until you develop muscle memory that will assist you in standing.

      Skiing allows you 2 free legs and feet, which is more common to most people. For either sport, make new friends, and keep the old.  Both sports are social sports as much as snow sports.

      Enjoy, and take lessons from a professional, you will advance much quicker.

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