
I was wondering if anybody knows the origin of the last name Cosay?

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I was wondering if anybody knows the origin of the last name Cosay?




  1. This is a likely explanation of the origin of the name Cosay, but unless you trace your lineage back, you cannot be certain about your family origin.

    Cosey  Last name origins & meanings:

    English: variant of Cossey.

    Perhaps also an Americanized spelling of French Cossé (see Cosse).

    Cosse  Last name origins & meanings:

    French (Cossé): habitational name from Cossé-d’Anjou in Maine-et-Loire, Cossé-en-Champagne, or Cossé-le-Vivien in Mayenne, all of which are named with the Romano-Gallic personal name Cocceius + the locative suffix -acum.

    French: from cosse ‘pod’, probably a nickname or perhaps a metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of peas and similar vegetables.

    Greek: unexplained. Possibly the French surname, or an Americanized reduced form of Costas or some other surname beginning with Cost-.

    (Cossé is pronounced Cosay)

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