
I was wondering if anyone ever felt out of a funk while playing a sport and you never felt good enough anymore

by  |  earlier

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and you just wanted to give up on it all...




  1. Yeah, I gave up on baskeball a few times but I would always come back and play it after a while.

  2. ya sometimes.. but then i remeber the times i was good and focus on that.

    It helps!! try it =]

  3. ya i do sometimes. but i have my team mates you encourage me and then i focus on how i am still good and everyone makes mistakes. and that in sports u learn from mistakes. then i get pumped again and start playin like myself.

  4. Psh.. yeah tons of times. This year was my first year in houseleague and i was stuck on the worst team and I made some good plays but sometimes when your team is doing better and you arent it does feel out of funk and you feel out of it as a result, like you dont feel like trying. You just have to keep at it and practice, see what you need to work on and practice. then you will be good just dont give up otherwise if you do so for every sport you attempt you will never enjoy it.

    hope i helped :)

  5. Yes for about 2 years and they were the worst years of my life. But then I went to Point Guard College and I'm never gonna feel like that again =].

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