
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the company that sets up a table in front of stores.?

by  |  earlier

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They have stopped me while I was walking into Kohls and Walmart with my baby. They have a big sign that says "free fingerprinting" but then they try to sell you stuff with a fear tactic. I have not bought anything from them but I get a bad feeling from them and was wondering if anyone knows anything about this company. I couldn't find anything on-line.




  1. Talk to the store managers. They may not know about the sales pitch, but think they are providing a good service for their customers.

  2. Complain to management of those stores!! Here is the deal on the jerkoffs that sit in front of stores.  They are allowed by law to do so because the stores have public access to people - therefore they have "freedom of speech"  and can harrass people and such.  Once one of those scumbags plants their butts in front of that store the only thing that store can do is get statements from customers, call the police if necessary and get them out finally by going throught their legal department.  It's really a pain in the a** and can sometimes take months!!  

    It's really unpleasant,  I know and it makes it hard for Girl Scouts or other non-harrassing fund-raisers!

  3. Don't allow anyone, except the fed govt, to fingerprint your kids unless they sell you a kit so that you can do it urself.

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