
I was wondering if anyone has any information on what (if anything ) the bible says about vampires.?

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I am working on a book and I have been trying to find this information everywhere. so if you have any sugesstions I would greatly apprciate it.




  1. I don't know of vampirism in the Bible, but vampires were terrible demons in Hindu mythology. Why not check that out? If you don't what to use hindu myths then my only suggestion is that you use the traditional anti-thesis creature belief that says vampires are souless monsters that prey on human blood.

  2. It is true that the bible does not mention anything like a vampire.

    Note, also, that the law against the consuming of blood is repeated for Christians in the New Testament (Acts 15 and other scriptures).  So:  one cannot consume blood and be a Christian or a Jew.  That practice is strictly prohibited to both groups (though this scriptural prohibition is not obeyed by all Christian sects).


  3. I think it says in Leviticus somewhere that it is a sin to consume blood. Does that count?

    I'll assume you've already performed Google, Yahoo!, and Amazon searches...Maybe you can look up vampires, demons, blood, etc in a Bible concordance. Check out experts like theologians or memebers of the clergy (Catholic specifically) on what the Bible says about vampires and blood.

  4. Read "Leviticus."  You know, "the blood is the life?"  However, be aware that was not really a statement about vampires but rather an injunction against competing pagan faiths that practiced blood sacrifice.

    Hope this helps,

    Lilith Madleh

  5. Vampirism is a European concept that started well after biblical times, so the Bible has nothing to say about them.  If you try to couch the vampire legend in Christian terms -- for instance, by identifying vampires with demonic possession -- then you can go to what the Bible has to say on those topics.

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