
I was wondering if grip pressure is the primary reason for blisters in golf?

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I have had about five lessons and have been hitting a couple of buckets a week I am hitting the ball much better but I am still getting blisters and wearing out my gloves.




  1. It is normally not caused by a grip that is too tight.  The club normally slides around when you get blisters.  The two main causes of that are:

    1. You are regripping mid-swing

    2. Your grips are slick

  2. Blisters are more likely from a POOR grip that moves around . Hold the club securely but not in a strangle hold.

  3. I developed trigger finger for having to tight of a grip.Loosen up on the grip.

  4. You're likely changing pressure throughout your swing, without realizing it.

    Sam Snead once said you should grip the club as lightly as if you were holding a baby bird, and maintain that light pressure throughout the swing.

    Since taking The Slammer's advice, I have not had a blister, or worn any glove, over the last 15 years.

  5. Your grip pressure is definitely too tight. The problem with a tight grip is that you actually lose club head speed because you are not allowing the club to move freely.

  6. Try the toothpaste drill. Hold it tight enough to not squeeze out toothpaste.

    Every beginning golfer will have blisters though, no matter how light you grip the club. Everyone involuntarily squeezes at impact.

    Keep up the hard work! It's worth it.

    Also, try medical tape. It's a thin strip of white cloth tape that you can tape to certain fingers. That helps me prevent calluses.

  7. It could be your grips. Several years ago I tried the corded grips and they were too rough on my hands and I played a lot of golf. I re-gripped my clubs with a tour wrap type of grip and the problem went away. Try a club and see.

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