
I was wondering if i did a good thing or if i should have just not said anything ?

by  |  earlier

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well my sister asked me if i could babysit for her( she really didn't even ask she just asked what i was doing today) i just responded that i might go out because I had a party to go to well any ways. so she asked what about my mom & dad ( which they are both older now in their late 60 and both of are not in their best condition any more) i told her that they both weren't feeling well to let them rest well she went into the living room( i was in the kitchen) and her little boy asked my parent if he could stay with them and my mom said only if you stay here in the living room with us and don't go any where. that just got me upset i mean i just had told her that they both weren't felling well and still she asked them so this is what i told her " they aren't feeling well if you leave him here wouldn't it be like if you left him by himself" she got upset with me and stormed out. so was okay to tell her or not because she always leaves him with us not that i mind but it is her kid shouldn't he be with her. i mean she leaves him like 4 days a week and sometimes she just says i will be back with out even asking if he can stay....




  1. I think you did exactly the right thing.  Your sister is not being a responsible parent.  She is not putting the needs of her son first.  She also is not putting your parents needs before her own.

    Discuss it with your parents.  Then you can all discuss it with your sister without her son in the room.  It sounds like she needs a wake up call about what it means to be a parent.  

    Good luck to you all!  


  2. you was not wrong saying what you said because she need to take care of her own child she laid down and had him she need to take care of him not your parents. keep on telling her what to do.

  3. You definately did the right thing, good on you for standing up for yourself.

  4. You did the right thing. Your sister needs to grow up and start taking responsibility for her son.

    You should also talk to your parents and ask them to not agree to babysitting either.

    Congrats to you for standing up for yourself!

  5. You were right in this situation.. its her baby, she made her bed and now she has to lay in it.  SHE's being a very bad mom by handing him off to everyone else, let her know for now on that she's gonna have to hire a babysitter to watch him...maybe if it hurts her pocket she'll stop doing it....put your foot down and let her know that if she asks she needs to get a response before she assumes that someone will watch him.

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