
I was wondering if pathological liars have any remorse for the pain they inflicted to the ones around them?

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Do they actually ever experience remorse or guilt? Or these feelings remain completely alien to the as they manage to discover explanations for their behavior. I think that these people literally have brain damage, as in the frontal part of their cortex is dysfunctional and that prevents them from displaying normal behavior. This is why I do not quite accept the excuse that childhood trauma (abusive environment, etc) led to this kind of behavior. I grew up in an extremely tormented environment and I still managed to extricate myself and become a better person. So what do you think, boys and girls?

I know we all are liars sometimes, but some of us are really pushing for the world record. I address this question to people who dealt with such cases and to our beloved mythomaniacs and experts in deception




  1. I cruise through here, looking for anyone who has lived through what you describe and how the h**l to cope with it.  Not to insult anyone, but lack of confidence seems like a bumped toe, compared to damage from pathological liars.

    From my research.. pathological liars may be narcissists (who don't know the word empathy) or maybe bipolar, with raging grandiosity. And if bipolar, yes, it is a physical based brain disorder.

    My daughter went to a domestic violence shelter.. after her mil came into her home and provoked a physical fight. To this day.. she claims that my daughter "ran off" ..and uses that as an excuse for trying to instigate a divorce, and take (my) grandchildren from both parents. The pathology is that she can't see that she was abusing my daughter. Seven years, and page after page of incidents like this.. the woman has NEVER ONCE indicated any remorse.

    I agree with you that pathological liars (severe ones) and complete lack of any remorse are a package deal. Both are detached from reality as most people know it.  

  2. Nope -- no guilt. That's what makes them pathological.

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