
I was wondering if someone can give me answers about if s*x offenders can adopt children?

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We are having problems getting pregnant and were contiplating adoption and we were not sure if he was able to adopt.




  1. Your bf or husband is a s*x offender??? Why would you want to bring a child in the world where they would be around him with his past. I dont mean to judge or be mean but I have had 2 incidents where someone close to me to whom I thought were family tried things with me at a young age, thank goodness I stopped it. But still have nightmares to this day 15 yrs later. I really hope that they cannot adopt that would be just absolutely wrong.  

  2. s*x offenders should not have children of there own, they are not even suppose to be near children, or be in possesion of pictures..

    If you are living with a convicted s*x offender, i would question your parenting abilities.

  3. Seriously the fact that you are even considering adoption with a s*x offender scares me!!!  No a convicted s*x offender can not adopt, I don't even think they are allowed to be around children with out supervision at all times.  I know there are different levels of s*x offenders like those who were "tricked" by a girl who was 16 and she told the guy she was older and he fell for it, but still a s*x offender is not allowed to adopt.  Consider what youare asking!!

  4. No, and he would know this, he is not supposed to be around children period, that means schools, play grounds etc. Also for fyi, he would be listed on the internet in your area all s*x offenders are.

  5. Probably not.... and most def not if his offense was against children.  I think it depends on the degree of the crime commited and how long ago it was commited ect.  Sorry but I have NO sympathy for s*x offenders of any kind.....why would you even want to start a family with someone like that?  Take the hint from the big guy and find a REAL MAN to have kids with!

  6. If he's registered then no but if he's not && you're aware if the fact thats he a s*x offender then you are just stupid. If you would really let your adopted child or any child be raised by a known s*x offender.

  7. no.  adopting a child includes lots of paperwork and requirements, and background check is a huge part of that.  no adoption agency is going to put a child in a home they deem unsafe.

    Also, if he is known as a s*x offender, social services may be able to remove any natural children from the home and place them in foster care, depending on how recent and the type of offense.

  8. And why would you want to adopt with a s*x offender?  You need to put the safety of the child before anything else, and who would want any child living with a s*x offender.  I say h**l no and it's ashame if he can.

  9. Probably not.

  10. i dont think they do in any state because what if it happens to that child?


    take a look at mine and tell me what you think plz:;...

  11. NO I seriously doubt that s*x offenders can adopt children.

  12. nope, they would not let a s*x offender adopt.  

  13. sorry but adoption is not going to happen with you the agency isn't going to allow it. what you do wait until the baby is old enough then abuse  the poor child. unheard of, please don't try to adopt for the sake of the child.

  14. I sure hope you are kidding and haven't honesty thought this may be a possiblity.  

    No, s*x offenders cannot adopt or foster children.  This won't happen today, tomorrow, or ever.  

    If you are serious, I beg you seek mental health care immediately to findout why you would put yourself and a child in harms way.

    Best wishes.  

  15. I hope not.  Sorry, but that's just wrong.

  16. Oh dear lord I hope not. You might wanna be slightly more specific on the type of s*x offender... like was it a 18 year old and a 16 yr old in a relationship and the parents got mad and complained and hadhim charged? Or what? If it has anything to do with a rape, child molestation etc then I pray to God that he isnt able to adopt. What makes you so sure that he isnt going to hurt your chld? I really hope this isnt a serious question <shudders>

  17. I hope no one would allow you to adopt, sorry.. And maybe not being able to conceive is a blessing in disguise too... I know that sounds SOO rude, but thats how I feel. s*x offenders should not be able to have kids

  18. The Answer To This Question Is A Big NO..There Is No Way In THis World They Would Let A s*x Offender Adopt A Child. To Adopt A Child You Must Have Background Checks,FBI Checks With Fingers Prints Also,And Child Abuse Checks.

  19. If he is a registered s*x offender, then no he can not adopt.  The adoption agency conducts serious background checks and certainly his arrest / criminal records will show up and his registery as a s*x offender.

  20. No, s*x offenders are not allowed to adopt.  

  21. No he can not adopt a child. If he has ever been convicted of a s*x crime he should be well aware that he can not adopt a child. It doesnt matter if its stautory rape, child molestation, exposing himself or simply being drunk and peeing on the side of a road. If he was convicted of a s*x crime he can not adopt a child. And if he has a natural child you will be dealing with CPS in your lives making sure the child is not harmed. Sometimes that fair and sometimes its not. But it is always in the best interest of the child to make sure the child is safe. Contemplating having a child with a s*x offender is unusual to say the least. To go to such lengths as to attempt to adopt makes me question your sanity. Nobody needs the what ifs of that situation.  

  22. I hope not! They should have that right taken away from them.

  23. No he can't.  If he was ever convicted or is registered as a s*x offender than they wouldn't let him adopt.  They take a look back ground checks before letting anyone adopt.  

  24. highly doubt it.

  25. Probably not. It might make a difference on what the offense was but if he's a registered s*x offender I highly doubt it.

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