
I was wondering if there were really such things as Army Assaisins?

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Is there really such things as Special Forces hitman or assasins and if so how would one get in such a field?




  1. There is no designated MOS for such a position, but assassinations are a military tactic and operation. Most such operations are carried out by freelancers however. Large bounties create opportunity, without implicating governmental heads advocating such action, inviting retaliation in kind.  

  2. If you really want to be there you might not pass the psych screening.

  3. @Forget War Buy More

    Agreed.  The key word being "official".

  4. Youse stoner boy

    We no needs stoner fall asleep on guard duty, gets whole team waxed.

    Stoners no good soldjer

    Soldjer takes much discipline. No breaks for puff puff

    Youse not gonna be make it, sonny boy

  5. 1. The government's official position is, no.

    2.  You do not apply.  They will recruit you.

  6. You talking about capability or policy?

    The official policy is we do not assassinate.

    But in reality we have and can....

    There is the infamous "Phoenix Program" in Vietnam..... according to some reports 20,000 VC cadre were "terminated" An A-team would get a hit list from a CIA handler. The targets were fully investigated and determined to be working for the VC. The team would enter the village.... and terminate the target

    Then there is the equally famous "Green Beret Case" where a VC double agent disappeared

    I personally knew three Green Berets who went to work for the "company" in support of Somoza in Nicaragua.... two died in a "helicopter crash" (?).....the third made it back alive. He personally assassinated six Sandinista spies..... walked up to them and put a small caliber bullet in their head.....  

    The official story is Che was killed by Bolivian soldiers....... ??

    Officially we do not assassinate any more.....

    My problem with you is you "want" the job..... most of us who have done this type of work NEVER wanted the job nor did we enjoyed it.

    The mere fact you want the job may just disqualify you from getting that job.

    Violence gives you scars......not just on the outside but on the inside..... I suffer again every time I shut my eyes.....

  7. yes there is my uncle was selected to be one he was taken away by the government on multiple occasions even on his wedding day.

    he was selected because he was a extremely good marksman

  8. join the normal army and as u start to become more elite they would pick u from special operations depends on the time etc it was in the middle of a war then theres a bigger chance

  9. The US has not had an official assassination policy since Eisenhower.

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