
I was wondering if these fish would be compatible and how much of each to have?

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ok these are the fish i want to have in a 30 gallon tank.

i want to know if i would have any problems with the compatibility and how much of each is good to have:

1. zebra danios

2. tiger barb

3. cardinal tetra

4. swordtail

5. guppy

6. otocinclus cat

-i was considering putting in a betta or a red-tail shark or both. but i dont know if they would work. i dont really care much about these. id prefer if the top six were compatible tho. thanks please give me some specific details not "yea that'll work..." thanks[=




  1. I suggest you dont get the tiger barbs, they are very active, need to live in a large group, and have a habit of nipping other fish. They are fine with similar sized / active fish, but guppies and tetras may tempt them.

    There are other barbs that are less agressive, like Goldens, that are better with small community fish.

    The others should all be fine together. The danios, tetras and otos should be kept in a small school, maybe 6 or so. The swordtails and guppies it doesn't really matter, but if you get a mixed group get more females than males.

    When you are stocking the tank I would start with the danios as they are the hardiest and best able to survive in a new tank. Then the live bearers. Once the tank is established add the tetras and finally the Oto's last, as they need some algae to feed on. They may starve in a newly set up tank with no algae.

    Good luck


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