
I was wondering if u have to un winterize a motor some how?

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I was wondering if u have to un winterize a motor some how?




  1. Let it idle for a while first while in Water... Run it with the choke slightly opened for a bit, then run it like normal.  I'd run it slower than wide open for the first hour.  Otherwise, enjoy the summer!

  2. Put it in the water and run.It will all flush through just like the water.There is nothing special to do.Chances are that anti freeze is the cleanest thing thats been through your water pump.Ive got a 33 with twin 454's I drop and go.

  3. outboard or inboard?. out board should have lower unit fluid changed and new fuel if not stabilized,new sparkplugs and new water pump. you can get by without these but  safe smart boaters would not. inboards are a different proceedure.

  4. Make sure any hoses taken off have been returned to their position. Ditto with block plugs.

    Put in the hull plug.

    Charge the battery.

    if the lower unit, gear lube was not changed last fall, change it now. And make sure the screws have teflon gaskets on them to water-proof.

    Top off with fresh gas, high octane, from the pump, not from the marina. Marina gas has been sitting there for six months.

    Throw in a can or two of Sea Foam.

    Fire it up and blow out the fogging oil, change the plugs.


  5. If it's an inboard, then you to make sure all your manifold and block plugs are back in.  I'd run the boat for a bit prior to putting it in the water, and make sure everything is running fine.  Make sure nothing froze up during the winter, and that the battery is fully charged up. Check all the fluids and make sure there isn't oil  or water leaks anywhere.  And one last thing.  Don't forget to put the plug in before you back it down the ramp.  You may want to grease your bairings on the trailer also.

  6. nope, just check the fluids, put in fresh gas and fire it up...

  7. I guess it wouldn't really be called un-winterizing, but replace any hoses, drain plugs, etc, that you might have removed. Also you should change the oil and oil filter as well as the fuel filter and just check normal maintnance stuff like belts and hoses, bilge pump, lights, bilge blower, etc and some fresh gas. Then let the fun begin.

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