
I was wondering that Why sea water is not used as drinking water?

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I was wondering that Why sea water is not used as drinking water?




  1. Sea water is salty, and it encourages cells to lose water in order to balance out the salinity inside cells and out.  This leads to dehydration as well as cell death, which results in death of the organism (human) itself.

  2. Sea water is used as drinking water. Just not in places where there are an abundant of streams, rivers and lakes. The equipment to desalinize saltwater is extremely expensive and currently the US Navy carries this technology. It was deployed to the Tsunami victims because there was a severe lack of drinking water and also katrina victims. So to answer your question its because the Cost of the Equipment is far to expensive and cost ineffective compared to using water from lakes, rivers, and streams.

  3. Because it has salt in it. It would have to go through desalinisation before it could be used. the would involve more money to bottle it.

  4. yu drink it, yu get sik

  5. Its full of salt

  6. Because the salt in the sea would only dehydrate your system. The purpose of drinking water is to hydrate your system; it would completely diminish any purpose of drinking the water in the first place.

  7. because of the the salt content. It would dehydrate you more. it can be used as drinking water if it,s desalinized.

  8. Sea water has a high salinity (or a high salt content), which results in dehydration.

    "Humans can't drink salt water because the kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water. Therefore, to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking salt water, you have to urinate more water than you drank, so you die of dehydration." -Says Professor Bill on The Department of Energy's Ask a Scientist web site.

  9. Ummm hello sea water is salinated (salt water) duh.  Now if you ment desalinisation and then being pumped into the drinking water system im sure it is used in certain places but for the most part its probably more expensive to do that than to harvest the salt from sea water and just dump the waste water back into the ocean

  10. Because the high salt content causes dehydration if we drink it. The salt extracts more liquid than the water that contains it puts in. In other words, if you drank eight ounces of sea water, you might lose 16 ounces of body fluid because the salt is extracting it.

  11. *laughing*

    Because it's salty!

  12. Hey! What a question!? Sea water contain thousands of minerals that's why it became salty. Even our body needs some minerals it is not required to drink a sea water because of its higher content of a minerals.Some minerals in sea water are not needed by our body especially the concentrated one.Another reason is that sea water is too salinated which are not good from the body.This means that it makes you dehydrated even when you drink a lot of it.Because wherever the salt goes water follows,too much salt in the body will be excreted  so as well as to the water, and DEHYDRATION occur.

    Sea water must be desalinated in a proper way to be used as a drinking water.

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