
I was wondering what the best method was for keeping a log of attendance for homeschooling?....?

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and was wondering how many exams/ work would u reccomend for the end of the year portfolio that is to be submitted to the school district for evaluation thank you guys so much for ur advice!




  1. I love Homeschool Tracker plus!  It is the best investment I've made when it comes to record keeping.

    Don't be fooled by other programs... most of them *suck*, HST is the best.

  2. Try this article:

  3. Did you look on the homeschooling websites?  I'm sure there are some online.

  4. You should try to find a homeschooling support group in something like Yahoo groups, one specific for your area/state so that you can get accurate information. What you have to do is not what everybody has to do. Those who live in your state and area who have experience will be able to tell you a whole lot more about it.

  5. what is the school district policy on this? each school district can make there own rules about home schooling. Phoning the district office someone should be able to give you an idea and find out what your state requires, department of education will have the listing too.

  6. I wrote my own in Excel.  My online curriculum also tracks attendance and assessment scores for me.

    The number of exams would depend on the grade level and the course.

    Here is a great site with HS forms:

  7. Try the Homeschool Tracker software; the basic edition is free, and the link is below:

    I hope this is helpful.

  8. I have been homeschooling my daughter for 4 yrs and as I was a Preschool Teacher before that, I simply fall back on that training when it comes to documentation.

    I keep a pocket calendar for attendance---attended days are circled and absent days are crossed out with an x.

    In the State of Fl., the students are required a minimum of 180 days attendance. As long as it all adds up at the end of the year we are good. ****Remember that Field Trips COUNT as a School Day*******

    I use a Lesson Plan Book to keep track of all the lessons we do. Fridays are usually test day---weekly tests to make sure she knows her spelling, is getting her math, history, geography, etc and Friday is also Gym day. I stay away from monthly tests for the simple fact that they accomplish nothing. We do review stuff but no tests.

    When she does a project, I have her write about it (materials used, what she thinks will happen, what did happen and why she think it happened that way). I take pictures and we put them in an album that goes with us when we get called for a Portfolio Review.

    Her 'Portfolio' is just a large plastic file box that holds legal sized file folders. Each folder is labeled with a different class ( History, Math, etc)....everything she does and finishes is dated and put in the appropriate file, this goes with us to review and I can simply pull stuff at random for them to look at. We also keep a notebook with a running list of all the books she has read, movies she watched, curriculum materials we have used and computer programs she uses. I have a lady that comes to our house in late April early May and do my daughter's evaluation and it costs me about $30.

    I got the plastic file box at walmart for about $10 and the legal sized file folders were about $5. The pocket calendar ran about $3 and I got the lesson plan books ( a 5 yr supply) from the Dollar Tree for $1 each. When we have the Back to School Tax Free sale here in Fl, I simply restock whatever it is we are running low on. It's fun to watch the other parents running around NEEDING things from those stupid lists.

    I had one lady (new employee at the store) look at my daughter this year and say 'Oh my dear, let's see if we can find your School list' and I laughed when her jaw just sagged open to my response of 'We homeschool, so no chicken runs for us.'

    We call those sales 'chicken runs' because the parents and kids look like chickens running around with their heads chopped off as they scramble for school supplies.

    Anyway, make sure that you know what your State requires for homeschoolers by checking the website.

    Good Luck

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