
I was wondering why? is African American-middle class & above senting/spending their money in Africa-when?

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"they" always crying about the pooriest Treatment toward African-American here in the USA??

(Its is studied that middle class African-Americans spend-gave millions & millions of their captial-money over seas)




  1. I'm not saying the poor have it easy here. But truly poor people overseas can work 18 hours a day and barely have enough money to eat and live in little more than a cardboard box with a dirt floor. The poor here don't have to work, get all the free food they can eat live in a shelter with running water and bathroom facilities. And like the poster said have enough money left over for smokes and booze.

  2. Over here the poor have televisions and automobiles and grow fat. I worked some food and clothing handout programs and it still astounds (and sickens) me to watch insanely obese people who can afford smokes stand in line and gripe because we don't have their favorite brand of cookies in the bag.

    Go to Africa, or Asia, or even parts of Latin America, and do this. The people there will be weak and emaciated, living in huts made of mud and leaves, walking without shoes, or maybe an old bent-up bike that has no tires.

    That is where the truly poor are. For what the American poor spends on cigarettes and pop, an honestly destitute African family won't have to go to bed hungry -- they will have had A meal that day.

  3. Sometimes, the smallest amount of money, spent on the simplest of things can be the difference between life and death in parts of Africa.... simple mosquito nets save the lives of thousands of children from illness and death from malaria... small amounts of protein enriched food given to infants can give them the immune system to get past three years of age... little bits of help for a family will make it possible for the children to go to school instead of working in a field or collecting scrap in garbage dumps...

    Hey ! I don't agree with a lot of give- away programs in the U.S.  ( people HERE don't know the meaning of " POOR" ), but if ANYONE wants to help babies survive in a world without pain or disease...I definitely would say : " Let them "

    ...and I would say that the people recieving the help overseas are much more appreciative than some of the generation after generation of folks who live off others here and refuse to let anyone learn and succeed in their neighborhoods... it is hard to hold a is hard to scrimp and is hard to tell children right from wrong when the only successes they see are criminals or drug dealers...( ...and if Black middle-class has given up on people here, they are just " catching up ")

  4. Because they care.

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