
I was wondering?about uniforms and stuff around? ?

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0 LIKES UnLike all the skools in America/Canad/London not have uniforms cuz everyone seems to be asking about there outfit that isn't a unform?..just wondering thank you cuz they are so lucky!! i have to wear a dumb uniform...=X

2 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. well it depends on what school there are alot of schools in canada that have unifors but mostly just the private ones and the ones in lond i think all of them have uniforms cause i've lived there for 2 years and i never saw not one school with out uniforms and america it depends too most of them don't have uniforms cause most of there school there are public and ussually public schools don't have uniforms

  2. SOme schools here do, most dont.....

  3. We had to wear uniforms in my school. But I went to a private schhol, and we had to wear skirts, long socks, shirts and a blazer, or a cardigan.

    I hated not being able to wear normal clothes :(

  4. Fashion And Design-

  5. Well at my school we wear uniforms.

    For girls:

    Blue skirts.

    White shirts.

    White stockings.

    Black shoes.

    Hair has to be out of eyes.

    (it looks somewhat like the school uniforms in almost every anime! lol)


    Khaki Pants.

    White button up shirt.

    Blue tie.

    Weird jacket/blazer (whatever you call it) thingy-ma-bob!

    Hair can't be past your chin and has to be out of ur eyes.

    (also.... anime uniforms! lol)

    haha well hope I... er... helped~<3

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