
I was writing n ink spilled on the table. To clean it I took a tissue and then I found as soon as the ink?

by Guest66949  |  earlier

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touched it it started running towards the top. WHy did it not stay in the same place. i observed similar thing with a chalk. How did it happen? is there any connection in the way water goes up in the roots. I heard it smthng cappilary action of roots. What does that mean?




  1. Water and water based inks exhibit capillary action in a small diameter glass tube (or in a tissue or tap root).  It is because the water molecules have polarity and attract each other.  Water exhibits surface tension at a water surface and can float a needle.  Capillarity occurs when the water is attracted to another substance such as glass and paper (tissue) fibers but not wax or oily surfaces.  A drop of oil on a water surface will destroy its surface tension causing a floating needle to sink.  Also soaps and detergents are wetting agents because they eliminate surface tension.

  2. Yes!! It is capillary action.

    It means the spontaneous movement of a liquid against the force of gravity.

    Water in roots,ink in a pen nib, oil in a wick lamp are all due to capillary actions.

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