
I wasn't allowed to go to the assembly and I did nothing wrong!What do I do?

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My math teacher is really unfair.Today, I turned in a worksheet 1 day late and it went from a B to an F.I'm not the prettiest girl by the way.Then this girl who wears mini skirts turned in her paper 2 weeks late and he marked 2 points off and she got a B.He looks at girls shirts too.And all the pretty girls are up front and ugly girls and guys are in the back.So anyways, I found out I have a 59% F, which is almost a D.This girl also had a D, and since I sit up front I heard him tell her he is giving her a C because he appreciates her effort.I feel like he hates me because I'm not pretty or something.Then he told me I couldn't go to the assembly because I had an F for the class.Do you know how many other people had F's??Like half the class!I had to go to the detention room, while my best friend sang the national anthem at the assembly!He told me to do my work in there!What work??The only assignment we had was the worksheet and a test which I got a C on.It's not fair!I just sat and cried




  1. Are you going to let the fact that the world is unfair stop you from succeeding? Yes, you will see that pretty girls are treated better throughout your life and you can choose to let this depress you, or you can concentrate on finding ways to succeed. Turning in your homework on time would be one useful lesson here.

  2. If it weren't that he seems to be applying the rules unevenly, it would make sense that you should stay in the room and do your work.  After all, if you currently have an F, you definitely need the time to put more into your schoolwork, rather than listening to someone sing the national anthem!  However, if others with the same grades are being treated differently, it is definitely unfair that they are not being kept behind as well, whether it has anything to do with their looks or not.  It sounds like you are going in the right direction with trying to change to another class for the rest of the year, but even if you can't, know that the year is nearly over and things should be different next year.

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