
I wasn't sure if this should go in Singles/Dating or R&S, but anyway: serious question for ATHEISTS/AGNOSTICS?

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Have you ever met a girl and said to yourself, "omg we're just PERFECT! She's everything I'd ever wanted in a girl, and we are SO compatible!" And she's atheist and I'm agnostic, so hooray!!!

But here's the bad news - she already has a boyfriend ((

Spiritually speaking, what should I do? I'm so into her, and she's seriously awesome!




  1. Well, it's kind of up to her isn't it? If she has a boyfirned and is happy with him, then you should just be at peace with that. If she's totally unhappy in the relationship, it's still up to her to leave...but you can offer assistance in this process. You have to be honest, though. If you're going to be a friend to her, you've got to declare your interest when offering her advice, because if you don't, you're basically manipulating her without disclosing your motives. If she's aware of your potential motives, she will respect you.  

  2. No such luck

  3. Cast a spell on her.

  4. Just wait.  You don't want to date a girl who dumps her bf for you, because if something better comes along she'll dump you for the next guy.  

  5. get lost... if she has a bf dont flirt just wait. if things dont work out make a move on her after shes had time to heal. but dont ruin the relationship she has now

  6. Tell her what you feel. Maybe she's into you too, and with your confirmation that your interested she dumps her boyfriend.

  7. If she shared your view of her, about you, then she would have left him, to be with you, because you'd be "just perfect, and so compatible".

    The bottom line here is that you have this view of her, she apparently does not hold that view of you.

    So, leave her alone, shes with someone. Thats HER choice to make.  

  8. This actually happened. I did the only thing I could do - stepped out and broke all contact. She's married to the guy now and they have a beautiful two year old daughter. She's happy, and that's what matters.

  9. Figure out what she is attracted to and make the needed adjustments in yourself.  If he's just a boyfriend and the guy's not your friend then she's fair game sort of.

  10. I would just build a friendship with her over time and wait until she breaks up with the guy, then just slowly tell her how you feel about her and try to ask her out on dates (don't just place it on her the first day) until you can build a relationship.  If she's really into the guy, well.... I can't really help you out with that.  At least you can do is build a friendship with her until something happens.

  11. deal with the FACTS,

    1- she has a boyfriend


    3- as a friend right now you are just a d**k in a jar- you can one day maybe be elevated to more status, that usually means bieng her rebound ****- get used to it. you have been friended- it is a possibility, but a LOOONG shot for a relationship- not so long for some cheap "pissed at her boyfriend" or "rebound" s*x.

  12. Your religious beliefs have nothing to do with it, dude.

    She is with someone else.  If you care about her - then let her do her own thing and don't interfere.

  13. Pound a couple out first then rethink your situation with relaxed clarity.

  14. if she's spoken for then let her be - If it's not serious well then, get in the pool.  

  15. Don't be a douche and break up their relationship.

    If she breaks up with him, then make a move. But to do so now would be a guaranteed beatdown courtesy of her boyfriend.

  16. Keep talking to her and see where it goes. Ask her if she wants to get some ice cream with you. See what happens. ...buttt she does has a boyfriend, so if she cheats on him then she will likely cheat on you as well. Are you sure its a boyfriend? or just a guy she frequently hangs out with?

  17. A boyfriend is not a husband. She is not THAT committed. I say she's fair game. Move in for the kill.  

  18. Go find a jew

  19. I don't think atheists and agnostics are that compatible.  No more than Catholics and Baptists.  Atheists are too sure of themselves and think they can known the unknowable, kind of arrogant I say.  We agnostics know that we are still searching for the truth and we don't know everything.

    So, this should go into the Singles/Dating section.  And you'll just have to wait it out.  If you successfully steal her away from her boyfriend, it would just mean that she can be stolen from you in the future.  Get to know her as a "friend" first and pounce on the first opportunity when she drops her loser boyfriend.

  20. Stay away!

    It never ends well, wait until they break up. If they never do go out and find someone else.

  21. You should follow the ethical path to not disturbing an extant relationship. Identify what it is about her that you admire and then go find a single woman who matches up with you in a similar way.

    Leave meddling behavior to the religious among us. They excel at that sort of thing.

  22. Stay friends and wait for them to break up.

  23. Would you ever be able to trust her if she left her current man for you?  I think not.  That would come up any chance you can think of.  In your mind she can always leave you for something better.  So, if I were you, I wouldn't pursue something other than friendship with her.

  24. Nope.  Can't say that's happened to me, although I've met my share and the story goes something like yours but at the end it's either they're married, g*y, on drugs, with MPD, in the witness relocation program, on AA, etc. etc.

  25. Just hope that 1 of 2 things happens. Either she and her current guy break-up and you can get together with her and everything works out the way you want or she and the other guy are just as perfect for each other as you think you would be and she can be happy with this other dude. If you really like her then hope she is happy no matter what and at least try to stay friends.

  26. Depends. Is it a serious relationship? Is she happy in it? Can you kick the boyfriend's azz? lol!

    Good luck :D

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