
I watch some websites on net and delete the search history in there stillway of any one finding them?

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I watch some websites on net and delete the search history in there stillway of any one finding them?




  1. Yes.  So stop pulling up p**n sites now.  Must also go to content tab and clear forms that show which sites have been put into your search provider.

  2. Yes. There are loads of methods which can still determine what you have been upto on the net, at what time, at what traffic, and wat interactions you did with your browser.

    For one, if u searched the site on google, before visiting it from the search engine, then it gets digitally registered in their records. For example, your IP address is written down. Millions like these are registered every hour, and if the need arises they can tell from where, and which computer you accessed the net, and who did it. If you are logged in at gmail, then they can directly link it to your name, and find you at your address. (but no-one will be trying to snoop on you. If at all, the need arises, the it is a piece of cake)

    IP address is a strong giveaway..

    Second, When you visit any website in this universe, a cookie gets saved in your hard-disc. I am not going to explain why it gets saved. Just to say, if anyone wants to have a look a what you have been upto, they first go to History, then to Cookies.

    Third, there may always be risk of spyware infection in your computer. If yes, then what you are doing is no-longer private. It may even e-mail about your activities to a third party.

    Fourth, The hard-disc which you use is not a super-thingy.. Even if you effectively delete anything ever stored in it, it is always possible to analyse it using the magnetic methods. This is probably what forensic laboratories do.. Remember: 'If a code can be written it can also be hacked in'

    I advise you, if whatever you are doing is against law in your locality, or shameful, then you gotta stop it...

  3. if you delete the history, cookies and temporary internet files, there is no trace, you can look at p**n all day and all night in secret

  4. i think there is no way except to find with your finger prints on the before you going out clean your key board with a tissue paper.

    good luck

  5. Do you know I have the same fear that you have but from few weeks ago a new yahoo started so when you search notrace of previous search is shown so have no fear.

    We guys are free.Enjoy!

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