
I watch the little league world series if u do who do u think wins????

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i watch the little league world series do u if so what team is gonna win




  1. Well, I'm rooting for Hagerstown, MD, personally, since they are from my home state. Anyway, Mexico and Japan look really good though. That Mexican pitcher today struck out every batter he faced and drove in six RBIs, including a grand slam. And Japan just always looks good.

  2. Mexico is pretty good.

  3. shelton,CT

  4. I live by where they play and we go up every year, and every year I say Japan or Mexico is gonna win.

  5. i say japan

    but lake charles louisiana is pretty good too

  6. The Southwest US team is looking pretty good.  Very good pitchers!  82mph fastball that close is almost unhittable!

  7. TOKYO they have a kid who supposedly can touch 80mph and another kid who hit 6 home runs in their regional tournament.  

  8. japan.

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