
I watched kimbo slice fight the other night! was NOT IMPRESSED!!?

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do you think this fight was fixed? why do i say this? he was losing in secound round, and then in 3rd ,the other fighter was not!! out on feet when crooked ref stopped it! a fixed match? because he is media darling?




  1. You have a right not to be impresse. It was not impressive. But he won, and while Thompson is not Frank Mir or Josh Barnett on the ground, Kimbo shows that he has some small inkling of what to do when he's put on his back. Kimbo is, and will become, an entertaining fighter to watch.

  2. what did u expect?  They want him to win.  and since when does a bleeding ear stop a MMA fight?  It didnt even stop Holyfield the first time he was bit.  Gimme a break.  

    Real MMA died with Pride Fight.  UFC and these other cages leagues are for chumps.  Why else you think Nog runs these punk bishes... Rampage beat down chuck like the UFC scrub he is.  And Fedor is coming next.  Kimbo is a joke, and it's similar to championship wrestling in UFC.  Too bad the real experts are going to knock these fakes out of the league entirely.  chumps

  3. I don't think it was fixed but I do beleive that it was a little crooked. The EliteXC knew that there orginization  depends on the success of Kimbo. Also, it was only partly the refs fault Kimbo's opponent was an idiot to have alked into that ring with his woopie cussion of an ear. If he had gotten that thing drained I think he wins that fight.

  4. depend son what you mean y fixed i dont think it was fixed before the stow started no but I think everyone knows james thompson was brought in to loose to kimbo

    I hink when they saw there star loosing they did what they could to make sure he won thompson was not in on the fix in my option

  5. don't think it was fixed, but was an ugly match he should never be put in a main event again.

  6. Kimbo slice is too old

  7. To say the fight is "fixed" would be a shame, but not too unlikely.  Do I think that Slice go the Michael Jordan treatment... yes...  Here's why.

    Kimbo Tapped? I mean it clearly appears that he is tapping on the mans arm, but then Kimbo still continues to throw knees... I wasn't in the ring... so maybe Kimbo tapped the guys arm and was just saying , I'm okay, I'm okay...

    Elbows!!! At the end of round 2, had it been any other fighter the fight would of been called.  Kimbo was getting bows dropped like no other, but again, after the fight he said he told the ref he was fine during the encounter... I'm sure the other fighter would of told the ref he was fine after his ear got popped too, but the fight was still called.

    The Bloody ear!!!  In any other MMA fight a SMART fighter would of got that ear drained.  I think it was an easy target for Kimbo and when things got too tough it was a an easy way out.

    Overall, I like Kimbo. I think he's great for MMA in the sense that it will draw more attraction to the sport.  It's sad though for a true MMA fan for myself to witness ELITEXC totally destroy what companies have built over the years.  It's not a circus show, but that is what they tried to turn it into.

    Bottom line - Kimbo had to win.  If he didn't then the world may of bursted into spontanious combustion.  Kimbo looked winded (He even said he's gonna smoke less and he ain't talking about cigarettes!) - he practically fell over and was just happy the fight was over when he won.. another round he would of beat himself.  

    It's sad that Kimbo go in this late in the game. I think in another year he'll be very good, but right now any real MMA heavyweights would dance circles around him.  

    In closing - what the h**l was up with Kimbos fighting style.  Anyone that has watched him the past knows that Kimbo is trying to impress the MMA  fans by being more of an all around fighter... BUT you can't forget what got you there. I would of liked to have seen him more aggressive at the start and throwing them lethal blows.  Instead he wanted to try and impress.

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