
I watched the show where there was an exorcism and I can't get the demon name out of my head what should i do?

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I watched the show where there was an exorcism and I can't get the demon name out of my head what should i do?




  1. It was an "unclean spirit" as it was called in Biblical times, and to get it out of your mind, you need to cleanse your thoughts. Read from the Bible, like from Psalm or the gospels, (book of John from the new testament is best) and pray for cleansing from any evil influence. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, and I guarantee you will feel the difference. The same thing has happened to me, especially after watching something spiritual from the "dark side", as I am sensitive to those things, and the solution I am giving you always has worked for me. But if you are sensitive, it would be better to avoid seeing such things in the future. Stay close to God by praying and reading His Words, and that will be your best protection.

  2. No sing "I kissed a girl and I liked it" a few times

    Aarrgggh, help... cherry chapsticks... mumble mumble..

  3. Demons in general can only hurt you if you give them the power to do so. So stop giving this one the power by being afraid of it. Even if he were to come to your house (which he won't), he can't hurt you.

    oh and I don't know much about saying a demon's name, but I seriously doubt that saying it three times will draw it to you. The number 3 is a representative of the holy trinity.


  4. Try saying the demon's name 3 times out loud, at 3 am, while you're standing inside a pentagram. That should clear things up.

    LOL, NG has the perfect answer, no demon could break down that defense!  

  5. unwatch it.

    just go back and dont actually watch it.

  6. Take a long hot shower. Read something positive of a religious persuasion. A ritual cleansing of some type would be good.

    Do you know how many people they had to hospitalize after the first Exorcist show was seen at the movies? Kept the shrinks in new Vetts for years but that isn't the answer. The answer is self purification, a mild fast should handle what you've got. Listen to pleasant music and read a 'feel good' book before going to bed and don't forget your prayers.

    You NEVER want to see some of the things I've seen.  

  7. Download Sugar Sugar by The Archies.Put it on a continuous loop and listen.I guarantee,no demon can stay in your head after that.

    Ahhh Sugar dunadun dun dun dun ahh honey honey.See,I bet you feel better already.

  8. Go out and get the full volume set of all the Barney T.V. shows and sit down and watch all of them back to back...I guarentee that the song " I love you,  you love me" will be looping inside your brain instead....

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